Atheist Arrogance/Ignorance

“…we should encourage each other to apply skepticism, reason, and critical thinking in response to claims made by others in our own community.”

punchedSounds good, but … how is that done without getting punched in the face? Almost all atheists I’ve met identify very strongly with those values and pride themselves as committed representatives though they don’t actually practice what they preach. They are easily offended if this is hinted.

Gays blamed for Hurricane Sandy

A strong extra-tropical area of low pressure o...

(Alexandre Lemieux)

Chaplain John McTernan has said God’s judgment of gays caused the hurricane nearing the east coast of the United States.

Hurricane Sandy is blamed on gays

Anti-Gay Demonstration

Anti-Gay Demonstration (maha-online)

It’s funny, if we’re all supposed to be equal in the eyes of God, and there is no such thing as hierarchy of sin, then why, pray tell, are Liberals in general and gays in particular always getting blamed for natural disasters?

See also: The Dangers of Gay Marriage

Are atheists more rational?

Cognitive Dissonance

Photo: nic0

Many share the disappointment in discovering that they sure as heck are not. There are an awful lot of self-aggrandizing delusional people who mistakenly believe that they are more rational than most. Anyone who throws a fit when reasonably challenged is a likely candidate for that category.

White Coat Underground:

“But atheists often identify as or with humanists, and see themselves as a voice of rational thought and good behavior without the shackles of irrational beliefs. And that’s nice, but not really consistent with reality. Atheists are just as irrational as the religious, just as susceptible to prejudice, hate, fear. They just use different language.”

Whitecoatunderground: The Responsibility of Atheists

Gut feelings


“That’s where the truth lies, right down here in the gut. Do you know you have more nerve endings in your gut than you have in your head? You can look it up. I know some of you are going to say “I did look it up, and that’s not true.” That’s ’cause you looked it up in a book. Next time, look it up in your gut. I did. My gut tells me that’s how our nervous system works.”

Stephen Colbert Signatures
Stephen Colbert