Are atheists more rational?

Cognitive Dissonance

Photo: nic0

Many share the disappointment in discovering that they sure as heck are not. There are an awful lot of self-aggrandizing delusional people who mistakenly believe that they are more rational than most. Anyone who throws a fit when reasonably challenged is a likely candidate for that category.

White Coat Underground:

“But atheists often identify as or with humanists, and see themselves as a voice of rational thought and good behavior without the shackles of irrational beliefs. And that’s nice, but not really consistent with reality. Atheists are just as irrational as the religious, just as susceptible to prejudice, hate, fear. They just use different language.”

Whitecoatunderground: The Responsibility of Atheists

Intolerant atheists

“During my three years as a member of the Atheist groups, I have been discouraged by the in-fighting and intolerance among members. Alliances seem to form and some groups are hostile to some members but not to others. I have always felt that these divisions are destructive to our underlying mission.”

Well said. What a shame that you, too, became abusive, savagely lashing out your misogynistic fury and intolerance, brutalizing and marginalizing one who had been there to support you. Did you enjoy doing that? Do you feel better about yourself now?