Dawkins help us…

Dawkins, please help us…

Dawkins help us…

When becoming involved in my local atheist community, I thought I had found ‘like minded’ friends; rational, reasonable, open-minded people committed to truthfulness and living with integrity. I was wrong. Realizing the magnitude of my misjudgment, as the microscopic views came into focus, has been a traumatizing and life changing experience. Appearances are highly valued in this culture, much higher than genuineness and integrity. Psychopaths; charming, intelligent, confident, and deceptive, are admired, followed, emulated, and defended as they rise in the ranks of atheist organizations just as in all other types of human hierarchies. This is a HUGE problem for humanity. The people without a moral conscience are the people who aim for positions of power and influence, and their ruthlessness and cunning gets them there. Can the ‘good folks’ ever win? No, at least not as long as general knowledge of psychopathy is lacking and evil-doers evade detection and enjoy protection from a ‘psychopath friendly’ culture.

Educate yourself. Inform others. Visit Psychopath Resistance.

The New Wave of Atheism

New Atheism

Since it is currently en vogue in the atheist community to start “new waves of atheism,” I’ve decided that I’m going to start one too. I present to you the new new wave of atheism, called The Atheism Wave. If you love atheism, waves, and new versions of either, here you go…

Read the rest at:


Gnostic Theist
“I believe there is a god, and I KNOW it to be true beyond ALL doubt”

Agnostic Theist
”I don’t know for SURE if god exists, but I certainly BELIEVE he does”

Agnostic Atheist
”I don’t know if any god or gods exist, but I see no good reason to believe”

Gnostic Atheist
“No such things as gods exist, I am certain of this”



Agnostic? Gnostic.

The Passive-Aggressive Religious & Famous Atheists

Defining Theist, Atheist, Agnostic etc, Redux

Thank God for Agnosticism