Secularists want to impose their anti-God religion on the culture!

How Are Atheists Becoming
More Aggressive in America


  • Billboards promoting atheism and attacking Christianity have popped up across the country.
  • The American Humanist Association has launched a special website for children to indoctrinate them in atheism.
  • An atheist rally in Washington DC last year had a special promotion to encourage kids to attend their atheist camps.
  • Atheists have been increasingly using terms like “child abuse” to describe the efforts of Christians who seek to teach their children about creation, heaven, and hell.
  • Many atheists claim that children belong to the community, not to their parents.
  • Atheists have actively opposed any effort in public schools to even question a belief of evolution or suggest there are any problems with it.

It seems that since the last presidential election, atheists have grown more confident about having something of a license to go after Christians. These secularists want to impose their anti-God religion on the culture. They are simply not content using legislatures and courts to protect the dogmatic teaching of their atheistic religion of evolution and millions of years in public schools.

Read the rest of the article by Ken Ham and Mark Looy…

Notice that Disillusioned’s comment was accepted—but edited.
Disillusioned   June 4, 2013 at 2:19 pm · · Reply →

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Atheism is not an “anti-God religion.” It’s not “anti” anything. It’s just the lack of belief in a god or gods. Degrade to such erroneous and malicious epithets and your article is nothing but hate and fear mongering propaganda.

Read the article, followed by Disillusioned’s truncated comment…